Інсценізація казки “A house in the wood”.
Мета: закріпити та застосувати вміння та навички учнів з вивчених тем; розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, логічного будування висловлювання на англійській мові; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес.
Обладнання: будиночок, штучні ялинки для імітації лісу, костюми тварин (мишки, жабки, зайчика, лисички, півника, ведмедя та вовка).
Хід свята:
Author: Hello, dear children! Today we are going to show you a popular Ukrainian tale “A house in the wood”. It is about animals: a mouse, a frog, a cock, a hare, a fox, a wolf and a bear. They want to search the house. I hope you will understand what our heroes want to show you about.
And now, let’s look the tale!
Звучить музика «В гостях у казки».
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A mouse is running through the
Звучить музика. На сцену «вибігає» мишка.
Author: She stops at the door. She knocks at the door.
Mouse: I’m a mouse. I’m small. I like to run (підходить до хатинки). It is a nice little house (стукає). Who lives in the house? I want to live in this house.
Open the door please (ніхто не відчиняє). Nobody! I’ll live in the house (заходить у хатинку).
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A frog is jumping through the wood. Звучить музика. На сцену «вистрибує» жабка.
Frog: How it is fine to walk. I am a little, little frog . I am a frog, I am a frog (бачить хатинку, підходить).
Author: She stops at the door. She knocks at the door.
Frog: It is a nice little house. Who lives in the house? (стукає). Open the door please.
Mouse: I’m a mouse and who are you?
Frog: I’m a frog. I’m funny. I like to jump. I want to live in the house.
Mouse: I’m glad. Come in, please!
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A hare is jumping through the wood.
Звучить музика. На сцену «вистрибує» зайчик.
Author: He stops at the door. He knocks at the door.
Hare: What can I see? (стукає). Who lives in this house?
Mouse: I’m a mouse.
Frog: I’m a frog.
Mouse and Frog: And who are you?
Hare: I’m a hare. I like to play. Let me in your house stay.
Mouse, Frog: Come in, please, Hare!
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A cock is running through the wood.
Звучить музика. На сцену «вибігає» півник.
Author: He stops at the door. He knocks at the door.
Сock: What can I see? Who lives in this house? (стукає).
Mouse: I’m a mouse.
Frog: I’m a frog.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Mouse, Frog, Hare: And who are you?
Сock: I’m a cock. Let me live in your house, please.
Mouse, Frog, Hare: Come in, Cock!
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A fox is running through the wood.
Звучить музика. На сцену «вибігає» лисичка.
Author: She stops at the door. She knocks at the door.
Fox: Such a fine little house. Who lives in the house? (стукає).
Mouse: I’m a mouse.
Frog: I’m a frog.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Сock: I’m a cock.
Mouse, Frog, Hare, Cock: And who are you?
Fox: I’m a fox. I’m a fox. I have a box. Open the door, please. I want to live in this house.
Mouse, Frog, Hare, Cock: Come in, please, Fox!
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A wolf is running through the wood.
Звучить музика. На сцену «вибігає» вовк.
Author: He stops at the door. He knocks at the door.
Wolf: I am a wolf . I like to move (бачить будиночок,підходить і стукає).
Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I’m a mouse.
Frog: I’m a frog.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Сock: I’m a cock.
Fox: I’m a fox.
Mouse, Frog, Hare, Сock, Fox: And who are you?
Wolf: I’m a wolf. I’m brave. I like to run. I want to live in the house.
Mouse, Frog, Hare, Сock, Fox: Come in, please, Wolf!
Author: Here is the house in the wood. A bear is going through the wood.
Звучить музика. На сцену «виходить» ведмідь.
Author: He stops at the door. He knocks at the door.
Bear: Who is there in the house? (стукає). Let me come into your house.
Mouse: I’m a mouse.
Frog: I’m a frog.
Hare: I’m a hare.
Сock: I’m a cock.
Fox: I’m a fox.
Wolf: I’m a wolf.
Mouse, Frog, Hare, Сock, Fox, Wolf: And who are you?
Bear: I’m a bear. I’m very big. I like to walk in the wood. I want to live in this
Mouse, Frog, Hare, Сock, Fox, Wolf: Oh no, bear. Closed! You are too big for our house!
(Ведмідь намагається залізти через вікно, але в нього нічого не виходить ).
Author: The bear tries to get into the window but it does not work out.All animals leave the house and sing a song.
Всі актори виходять на сцену і співають пісню “Who are you?”
“Who are you?”
Who are you- I am a frog.
Who are you-I am a mouse.
Who are you- I am a cock.
Who are you-I am a hare.
Who are you-I am a wolf.
Who are you-I am a fox.
Who are you-I am a bear.
Who are you?
Author: Our tale is end. Do you like it? Thank you very much! Good buy!